Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How Genetic Engineering Should Not Be Researched For...

Joshua Romo Mrs. Ford English 6 29 January 2015 Changing Genes Jim s mother stared into her son s eyes, grasping her husband s hand tightly as the doctor delivered the life-changing news. All the mother wanted was for Jim to be normal, but as the doctor explained the boy’s condition, she began to fear he may not be normal after all. The son was diagnosed with Sickle Cell Anemia, a genetic disorder that affects the shape of red blood cells. Without treatment, Jim would have a high chance of dying. However, Jim was given a second chance to achieve normality like his mother always wanted with the help of genetic engineering. Genetic engineering, â€Å"the process of manually adding new DNA to an organism† (Lincoln 1),can be used to treat genetic disorders such as sickle cell Anemia, but there is a large percentage of people that say genetic engineering should not be researched for ethical reasons. Others ponder questions like, should we just sit back and let children like Jim die when there is a treatment out there that can allow them to lead fairly normal lives? Although there is great risk and danger involved with genetic engineering, the topic should be continued to be researched due to the facts it yields several advantages for humans, plants, and animals. Genetic engineering in plants, most often to produce benefits in foods, have far more positives than negatives. One example of a positive of genetically modifying plants is that it can increase the consistency of crop yieldShow MoreRelatedGenetic Engineering: Making a Gamble Less Risky1290 Words   |  5 PagesGenetic Engineering: Making a Gamble Less Risky At first recognition, the concept of genetic engineering and â€Å"designer babies† seems like a process that could only be possible in futuristic, science-fiction films; however, it is an idea that has become more and more of a prominent issue since it was introduced to the human public. Choosing an embryo’s genetic makeup is a practice that allows potential parents to hold a large amount of power in the life of their child. But should that power be limitedRead MoreThe Animals Of The Pigs1653 Words   |  7 Pagesglowing green snouts are genetically engineered animals known as transgenic animals. Canadian council on animal care (CCAC) defines transgenic animal as â€Å"an animal in which there has been a deliberate modification of its genome†1. 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